[6.20UPDATE] JJWXC Guide

/crawls back to turn on my laptop so i can edit the guide(〃` 3′〃)

the changes:

the app download link has been changed to the mobile webpage version instead of the desktop page as it is updated more frequently compared to the previous link (thanks to W for noting this difference! ヾ(•ω•`)o)

② cropped the paypal topup screenshot which i missed out the last time bc the drop down menu doesn’t list paypal option anymore and many got confused by it (my bad! (っ °Д °;)っ)

③ directed to page 10 for the latest note regarding rating a novel for the point on page 14

④ added the new captcha for sign up

lately i have been receiving more questions regarding the topup/recharge and app download. it’s really great to see more and more readers trying to understand how the sites work and support the authors directly! do feel free to approach for help when you need any though i can’t really answer the questions regarding topup. (i have been using wechat/alipay for my topups since the start and my verification wasn’t done through tourpass, so i’m as good as clueless. and the only apple device i ever had at home was iphone 4 and have been an andriod only user ever since. so sorry for not being able to help much in those aspects <(_ _)>)

if you need more directed help, you can also seek help from other translators who are familiar with the reading platforms!

and one more thing about third party topup (aka the taobao method), do only stick to the verified jjwxc shop. (they only have 1 shop and yes, no discount or whatsoever bc they are petty as heck. there are sometimes 30-3 and some other small amounts vouchers for alipay topup though.) going through any other non-official channels may put your account at risk of getting banned or hacked.

the guide is super loaded so thank you for taking the time to process all those info too~ i started going deep in when i stopped translating bc i’m not able to always be around to help haha. i don’t really follow the things happening in the translation circle but i understand the switch over that is happening now. it’s a good thing really and i definitely support it. maybe some of you find the switch hard but it is very much appreciated if more of you can support the authors directly whenever you can. the chapters online really don’t cost much and i believe the authors deserve the support for the work they have produced. it’s never too late to start. so even if you are unable to do so now, i hope you have plans to support in the future too. not every work has the chance to be published in paperback version, release an audio drama, licensed in your language and stuff like that. supporting the original work online is the most direct way possible (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و at some point in time i have thought of translating the smut part of br after i received them from a cn reader and making it available to those with the purchase receipt but i got too lazy to ever start. i never followed its translation progress after i stopped too even though i remember i said i would do that. my bad, i’m a pig /punches myself

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